Below are the highlights for version
Both Intel and AMD processors have frequency boost features that allow CPU to achieve additional performance boost when it is required the most (high system loads etc…) By default setting your frequency scaling index to 100% will only guarantee that performance of your CPU will be close to base frequency levels and sometimes (on high loads) can be boosted to Max (Turbo boost) level, however, if you’re planning to keep your CPU at its maximum frequency state you need to set turbo boost index to 100%. Resizable CPU Graph By default application is installed with individual graph size set to 134/100px. However, sometimes if you do have more cores than can fit on the screen, say 8 or 12 it is not possible to observe all cores state without scrolling. Similarly if you do have fewer cores 2 for example you end up with a lot of not used space. For this specific reason I’ve decided to add a possibility resize individual graphs based on everyone’s need. All the configurations will be saved and recovered next time you start the application.
Enhance and monitor system performance, customize favorite settings and more…